Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Between 1821 and 1836 william cobbett toured the southern english count. There are few books in the english language which are as robust as this. Rural rides is the book for which the english journalist, agriculturist and political reformer william cobbett is best known. He is now best remembered for rural rides 1832, a book hastily put together as an account of a series of journeys in southern england as the. Ian dycks new edition places these lively accounts of rural life in the context of cobbett s. Rural rides by william cobbett free ebook project gutenberg.
Buy rural rides penguin classics new ed by william cobbett, ian dyck isbn. Travelling on horseback through southern england in the early 19th century, william cobbett provides evocative and accurate descriptions of. Rural rides by william cobbett and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. Its unlikely that the william cobbett pub in farnham will be thronged with his fans today and few of us may rush to read or reread rural rides. Cobbetts rural rides, which takes up two volumes and 642 closely printed pages in the old everyman edition, deserves to be read and savored in full. Travelling on horseback through southern england in the early 19th century, william cobbett provides evocative and accurate descriptions of the countryside, colourful accounts of his encounters with labourers, and indignant outbursts at the encroaching cities and the sufferings of the exploited poor. William cobbett rural rides in two volumes volume one. Try the kindle edition instead and start reading now. Its not everyone who can mix political vitriol with a sincere pleasure in a turnip harvest and describe the latter so beautifully. William cobbett author guides and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. William cobbett has 441 books on goodreads with 35 ratings. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages rural rides. While writing rural rides, cobbett also produced the woodlands 1825, a book on silviculture.
William cobbett has 448 books on goodreads with 11 ratings. William cobbett s most popular book is rural rides. At the time of writing in the early 1820s, cobbett was a radical anticorn law campaigner, newly returned to england from a spell of selfimposed political exile in the united states. Rural rides, a work for which cobbett is still known, appeared first in serial form in the political register from 1822 to 1826, and then in book form in 1830. This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. Books by william cobbett author of rural rides goodreads. A prolific writer and journalist of genius, cobbett matured into a radical leftwing politician, and a farmer who ensured his labourers had access to the three bs. Between 1821 and 1836 william cobbett toured the southern english countryside by foot and on horseback, and rural rides is his remarkable account of what he saw.
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